Born in New York City, Larry was raised by his mother - Alice Underwood - after the death of his father at the age of nine. Despite growing up in a rough neighborhood Larry never got into any trouble, though regardless of Alice's best efforts Larry did end up becoming a little self-involved.

Larry set off for California with Rudy Schwartz, and shortly after arriving in L.A. the pair spilt over a disagreement about $60 dollars. Though he would end up regretting it many years later Larry stayed in California, taking on menial jobs and forming a group called the 'Tattered Remnants'. The musician was called to cut a demo of 'Baby Can Your Dig Your Man' for Neil Diamond's newest album and although the song didn't make the final cut Larry had a foot in the door.

The song was released as a single and was followed by Larry's first album 'Pocket Savior' with the few members of the Tattered Remnants, that his contract enabled him to bargain for. As the single and the album began their fast accent up the charts Larry started to celebrate. He rented a house in Malibu where the party scene got heavy.

Sobered up by Wayne Stukey, fellow band member who had earned keyboard credit on 'Pocket Savior' Larry realized he owed a hefty amount of money to some pretty rough people. Taking Wayne's advice Larry split town and returned to New York.